Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Here's a quick photo recap of Halloween in the Moore household. In case you can't tell, Rebecca was Ariel (The Little Mermaid), Chloe was a ladybug, and Evelyn went as a 1-year old!

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wow - I can't believe it's been a whole year!!!
Can you belive she started at just 2 lbs 4 oz!?! She's now about 20 lbs, crawling all over the place, pulling herself up to standing, and cruising around the furniture. How time flies!
Who is this baby?
I will follow-up with a full post this weekend, but needed to recognize this special day.
Can you belive she started at just 2 lbs 4 oz!?! She's now about 20 lbs, crawling all over the place, pulling herself up to standing, and cruising around the furniture. How time flies!
Who is this baby?
I will follow-up with a full post this weekend, but needed to recognize this special day.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Boomerang Express
As promised, here's a recap of Rebecca's VBS performance at Foothills Baptist Church.
Rebecca had a BLAST!!! Every day when I came home, I would get a full update on what she did that day. Right down to the snack they had.
The performance was on Friday night. Then they had hot dogs, popcorn, cookies and a bouncy house and 2 huge inflatable water slides. We didn't get any pictures of the fun afterwards, but here are some pictures and one video from the performance.

Rebecca had a BLAST!!! Every day when I came home, I would get a full update on what she did that day. Right down to the snack they had.
The performance was on Friday night. Then they had hot dogs, popcorn, cookies and a bouncy house and 2 huge inflatable water slides. We didn't get any pictures of the fun afterwards, but here are some pictures and one video from the performance.
Chloe was enjoying it too - especially dancing with Evelyn
Here are a couple more from the Church's Web site:
Practicing - just look at that concentration
Fun in the sanctuary - not sure if this would happen in the Lutheran church! ;-)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Water Water Everywhere
Quick post to show some summer fun. I'll be posting more after tonight's Vacation Bible School performance Rebecca's in. Here's a preview:

Because Evelyn is sitting up by herself now, she has graduated to the big tub!
Rebecca has been taking swimming classes this summer. So far she knows how to jump in, float on her back, get to the side, and climb out. It's a basic survival course - which is great.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Okay, okay... so it's been more than a few days. Forgive me. Life just was a little busy!
Hoppy Easter! The day before Easter, while we were eating lunch, a little bunny rabbit decided to join us on our porch! The girls enjoyed seeing the bunny so close.

Easter was a lot of fun. We all traveled down to Casa Grande to spend the day at Roger's parents house along with Colette's family. The girls loved this because then they got to do two Easter egg hunts (and a little roller blading and scooter riding - of course).
Evelyn was baptized on Sunday, April 19th. What a fun and special day. We had an open house following the church service and had quite the full house - over 50 people attended the church service and/or open house. Thanks to all that could make it! Especially one of Evelyn's NICU nurses and her speech therapist (no - she's not talking, but they help with bottle feeding issues).
Evelyn was baptized on Sunday, April 19th. What a fun and special day. We had an open house following the church service and had quite the full house - over 50 people attended the church service and/or open house. Thanks to all that could make it! Especially one of Evelyn's NICU nurses and her speech therapist (no - she's not talking, but they help with bottle feeding issues).
We have surprisingly few pictures! Here is one from the church - none from the party. How did that happen!
Then we decided to redo all of the floors in our house. And I mean all of them! Thankfully, we were able to plan it for when Roger's parents were on vacation - so we basically moved out of our house for a little over a week and down to Casa Grande! It was a lot of work, but I can't imagine trying to live in the house while all the work was being done. Here are some before and after pics. We just LOVE our new floors. (We never took true "before" pictures, so the best I could find is one with Rebecca pretending to be a pirate - she doesn't know about Somalia! ;-) You can see the small amount of tile we had in our entryway and the carpeting in our playroom - that we also had throughout the rest of the house)
It was good timing to get tile throughout our entire downstairs because Chloe recently went to an allergist and was told that she's allergic to peanuts and....dogs! Thankfully, it's not too bad. The Dr. just recommended keeping the dogs out of the kids room (we already did that) and since we now have tile downstairs where we spend the majority of our time, it's much easier to keep clean.
The biggest Evelyn (8 months old already!) news lately is that she's now sitting up on her own. She started sitting a couple weeks ago and loves to sit there and play with her toys.
Rebecca is currently in swim class and loving it. She also went to vacation Bible school at our church and will be attending another VBS at a different church later in the summer. She really enjoyed it. But most of all, she seems to be looking forward to starting Preschool in the fall.
Chloe is a pretty typical 2-year old. Her bright moments are a lot of fun, and her down moments are quite a challenge. ;-) Thankfully she is in a good mood most of the time and enjoys being the center of attention.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
She's home!
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Evelyn came home yesterday (Tuesday) and is doing great. We are still giving her albuterol breathing treatments, but she is steadily improving. Other than that, it's life as normal in the Moore house. Which is to say, busy!
Now I can get back to posting about Easter and the baptism. I hope to have those up in the next couple days so check back for some fun posts!
Now I can get back to posting about Easter and the baptism. I hope to have those up in the next couple days so check back for some fun posts!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Back to the hospital
Well, I was working on an update from Easter and the baptism, but then Evelyn went and got sick on us. She started getting sick just before the baptism and was later diagnosed with bronchiolitis and/or RSV. So we were giving her albuterol breathing treatments at home and she seemed to be getting better. But then earlier this week, she started getting worse. Then, on Thursday morning, she woke up sounding much worse. Thankfully, she was scheduled for her 6 month well check anyway, so off to the Dr. she went.
Evelyn's dr. agreed that she sounded worse and gave her some different breathing treatments at the office. These did not help, so they decided to admit her to the hospital. In fact, the dr. was concerned enough about Evelyn, that they called for an ambulance to transport her from the dr. office to the hospital.
Evelyn is now at Banner Desert in Mesa. She's doing well, but not well enough to come home. She's been receiving different breathing treatments and support, as well as some IV fluids, steroids, and antibiotics. She's officially been diagnosed as having parainfluenza type 3. We've been told this is not the regular "flu" type bug, this is something different (not swine flu either, I know you're wondering!).
The dr.s think she will likely be discharge on Tuesday, but of course we're hoping for sooner. I think as soon as she doesn't need the additional oxygen support, she's on her way.
Please keep us in your prayers. And special thanks to the grandparents for helping with Rebecca and Chloe this weekend!
Here's a couple pics and one video from a few days ago - when Evelyn was feeling better...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Weekend fun
Another fun weekend... We went to the zoo Friday morning. The night before we had quite a wind storm come through, but by the morning, it was beautiful - if not a bit chilly - and the animals were up and moving around. We stopped by the sting-ray exhibit and even got to feed them. Although Rebecca enjoyed watching, she wasn't too sure about actually touching any of them. Maybe next time...
Then on Saturday, we all went to the park (enjoying the "cool" weather while we've got it!) and Rebecca is now riding her bike without training wheels really well! By the time we left, she was riding confidently and was able to start all by herself and ride up some of the hills. Now we just have to work on her stopping without falling over... Here are some pics and a video.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Riding a Bike
After Rebecca's success on her roller blades, she thought it was time to start riding her bike without training wheels. Thankfully I have a husband willing and able to run after her! Although he did say it was my turn next time... She did really good considering this was her first day:
Here are some pics from last weekend with her rollerblades (and Chloe on her scooter). You'll see mom had to get hers off the shelf and dust them off. Although, I think Grandpa Moore is probably the most skilled rollerblader of the family right now. Sad, but true. ;-)
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