Sunday, July 19, 2009

Boomerang Express

As promised, here's a recap of Rebecca's VBS performance at Foothills Baptist Church.

Rebecca had a BLAST!!! Every day when I came home, I would get a full update on what she did that day. Right down to the snack they had.

The performance was on Friday night. Then they had hot dogs, popcorn, cookies and a bouncy house and 2 huge inflatable water slides. We didn't get any pictures of the fun afterwards, but here are some pictures and one video from the performance.

Chloe was enjoying it too - especially dancing with Evelyn

Here are a couple more from the Church's Web site:
Practicing - just look at that concentration
Fun in the sanctuary - not sure if this would happen in the Lutheran church! ;-)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Water Water Everywhere

Quick post to show some summer fun. I'll be posting more after tonight's Vacation Bible School performance Rebecca's in. Here's a preview:

Because Evelyn is sitting up by herself now, she has graduated to the big tub!

Rebecca has been taking swimming classes this summer. So far she knows how to jump in, float on her back, get to the side, and climb out. It's a basic survival course - which is great.

Once she completes a certain level, she gets a medal. She is SO proud that she's completed 2 levels and has advanced to the next class.

And Rebecca and Chloe have been having fun in our pool. Yes - we got a pool!

Okay, so it's a little small, but the girls don't seem to mind. ;-)

More later...