Sunday, November 21, 2010

Our Little Elves

Still working on the "birthday season" post of all 3 girls birthday's, but first, this is what we did this morning... Enjoy! The video may take a minute to load once you hit play.

Alright... doesn't look like the embedded video option is working, let's try this link:

One more edit to this post... I should show you the original version of these photos so you can tell who is who.

Okay - one more, then I'm stepping away from the computer. Here's one with the whole family!

Rebecca (notice the 2 missing teeth?)




Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Big Day!

Okay... so it's been awhile. And yes, I still owe a couple posts about our fun this summer (Hawaii and LegoLand anyone?) but this is even more important and deserves top billing...


Wait... no, that's not right. Let's try this again:

Yes, it's true. Our first born baby girl headed off to Kindergarten this past Monday. She was mostly excited, but I think also a bit nervous. Once the bell rang and she found her teacher, she was all set and ready to go!

Of course I couldn't let you go with just those couple pictures, so here's a few more from that morning.

(Notice the sparkle shoes Grandma & Grandpa Moore)